
Ethics And Ethical Issues In Medical Volunteering

Decent Essays

Medical volunteerism is an activity where someone or a group of people does a task in the medical field voluntarily without pay, particularly in an underdeveloped country that is lacking medical professionals. This topic relates to a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathmatics) class this semester because we had a discussion over the ethics of medical volunteerism. Ethical questions do arise from this topic. There are countless discussion questions of who benefits from medical volunteering, what procedures volunteers are allowed to do, and so on and so forth. One interesting aspect is the idea of consent. Although medical volunteerism may be beneficial, there are ethical issues regarding consent that are overlooked when volunteers …show more content…

Ethics are boundaries and expectations for those seeking help and those offering help. There are several ethics and ethical codes like fidelity, beneficence/nonmaleficence, self-care, and the list goes on and on. With medical volunteering skills, talents, and training vary widely across these helping professions (Sommers 180). That is due to the fact that there is a wide array of volunteers that include health professionals, students, retirees, former patients, etc (Withers 376). With that being said, ethics vary between these people, like the value of …show more content…

It can be given when patient has the capacity to do so without any pressure and they understand that they can refuse if they so please (BMA 66). There are three types of consent: informed, genuine, and implied consent. Informed consent is with paper contracts and informal agreements. Genuine consent is a verbal consent by the patient and it is witnessed and documented. Lastly, implied consent is not written nor verbal, but it is an assumption that patients who come to the volunteering medical mission clinic are wanting care as given (Holt 216). Medical volunteers should be understanding and respectful to people and their right to determine for their health and well being (Sommers 197). Consent is important to any medical practice, although it has many factors that influences it it is required before examination or treatment begin (BMA 65). Sometimes patient my change their mind, so it is important to have respectful, empowering, and collaborative ongoing partnership with the patient and medical volunteer (Sommers

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