
Ethical Theories Of Animal Abuse

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Rough Draft Monkey see, Monkey do, that’s how children are when they grow. “... victims of child abuse are more likely to become perpetrators of animal cruelty themselves. Many cases where a child is a constant witness to spousal abuse, animal abuse, or is a victim himself, he may act out against what he perceives to be the next most vulnerable target - a family pet, a stray, or wild animal.” (Adams 1992) Ethics shown in the home play a major role in animal cruelty. The history of animal abuse has been traced back all the way to the twelfth century, when the Romans invaded Britain and defeated them. Britain then began exporting dogs to use in pit fights against larger animals. Also many of our founding fathers were fond of the bloodsport, …show more content…

On indirect theory, animals don’t warrant our moral concern on their own., but many warrant concern only in so far as they are appropriately related to human beings. Direct but unequal, their defense requires two parts: a defense of the claim that the interests of animals count directly in the assessment of actions that affect them, and a defense of the claim that the interests of animals don’t count for as much as the interests of human beings. Moral equality theory, not only do animals have direct moral status, but they also have the same moral status as human …show more content…

The animal is in poor body condition and noticeable trauma, the animal has severe matting and their coat is filthy, they have open sores or obvious wounds. They look as though they are flea or tick infested, underweight with bones clearly visible. It may limp or even unable to walk. There appears to be a lack of food or water, every time you see the animal you may notice there’s no food or water source in sight, the animal may be aggressive due to starvation and thirst. They lack shelter, the animal maybe contained in a fully exposed area with no proper protection from any weather elements. The animal is abandoned, you notice the owners moved or they stopped visiting the residence where there’s an animal. Some dogs bark or whine to show anxiety when left alone, but in this case the dog would be howling or barking for several hours. The animal would be tied or in a cage where there’s little room to move or they are unable to stand or turn. The animal may show signs that they’ve been trained to fight or they’ve been fighting, most commonly with Pit Bull Terriers and roosters, you may see train tools like treadmills, spring poles, etc. or even they have scars or open wounds, they may be missing body parts like an ear or part of their tail. The animal may have strange behavior like being shy or aggressive, with or especially at the owner. There are too many animals on one property, also called animal

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