
Ethical Relativism, Utilitarianism, And Kant

Decent Essays

For this assignment we are to briefly describe the following ethical theories in our own words: Ethical relativism, Utilitarianism, and Kant’s categorical imperative.
My understanding of Ethical relativism; I believe it encompasses a number of different views and beliefs. But at the same time they all can agree that there are no universal or permanent criteria to determine what one may or may not believe to be an ethical act or not. Most of us are thought that God didn’t grant any divine command for anyone, and its human nature to display no common law. Which means that: consequences have no weight because each individual or the world views may interpret the ethical relativism consequence differently. It also teaches that the ways of ethics change or evolve over time and may change to fit the circumstance.
• Scenario 1:
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But this same employee allows there child to take a sip of wine here and there.
 This employee is what we call a hypocrite.
Conclusion: Ethical relativism There are many avenues of ethical relativism, which can be viewed as the universal truth or simply impossible to even determine. But it contradicts itself, and admits that some ethical behaviors do exist. The large views within ethical relativism blossoms form others opinions on culture, beliefs, or their personal opinion. This happens every day during parenting. Each household has its on beliefs.
My understanding of Utilitarianism; is that it leans on the principals of something may be moral or good if it produces something great. This is also contingent upon a number of people that believes that the idea is great as well. It’s also based on the theories of normative ethics; raising questions on specific actions whether something is good or bad.
• Scenario: o Employee: believes that it’s moral for candidates running for president to spend millions of dollars on their ads for

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