
Ethical Issues In Mammoth Research

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The thought of bringing back animals from the past has been a fascination of scientists, writers, and filmmakers for many years. With some recent breakthroughs in cloning this may be possible, specifically with mammoths. While it may be possible, the question of the ethics and logistics around it must be raised. The benefits of this recreating a mammoth are more superficial in my opinion, but they are still relevant. The data we could take from observing an animal that has not existed for thousands of years, or the closest thing we will ever come to it. From this data we could make better inferences about the ecology and evolution of mammoths. There would also be an enormous economic benefit to the country who would host this species, which …show more content…

Any organism, especially ones with higher intelligence, are a cumulation of their phenotypic traits and environmental interactions (Gill, 2015). While it may have the outwards appearance of a mammoth (long red hair, thick fat layer, smaller ears) because mammoths are herd animals, it must be raised in a elephant herd structure (Gill, 2015). While we assume that elephants can be proxy parents to the mammoth child, the truth is that there is learned behaviour that a mammoth needs to survive that an elephant can not impart. Thus while it may look like an mammoth, behaviorally it will be an elephant. This will make that mammoth child ill adapted to the Siberian environment, and there is an ethical duty to the animal to give it the best possible life. To do this you may need to alter the environment for it, or force an elephant herd to adapt to colder climates. This brings into question how far we are willing to go for a frivolous endeavor such as this. These are only some of the major concerns around this issue, but there are others. These include considerations about financial cost/benefit, adaptation to disease, and long term upkeep of a mammoth herd. (Gill,

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