
Ethical Issues In Clinical Practice: A Case Study

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When caring for patients, nurse practitioners must incorporate ethical knowledge in practice. Ethics addresses morals, advocates doing the right thing, and encourages providers to act appropriately (Epstein & Turner, 2015). Not only do ethical issues arise from bedside dilemmas, but ethical issues can also stem from problems at the organizational level. The code of ethics can help guide the levels of direct and non-direct patient care for the NP (Epstein & Turner, 2015). Legal considerations that are important to the NP and clinical practice are the following: a) negligence, b) breach of duty, c) informed consent and refusal, d) battery, e) confidentiality, and f) patient autonomy.
One important professional legal issue is medical negligence, or medical malpractice. Medical negligence occurs when a provider performs his or her job in such a way that deviates from the accepted medical practice standard (Goguen, n.d.). Medical negligence can be tested by a three-part test in which the following happens: a) a duty of care is owed to a person, b) a breach of duty is established, and c) harm has been caused to the patient because of the breach (Goguen, n.d.). Medical negligence can turn into medical malpractice when health care providers cause injury to the patient or worsen the patient’s clinical condition (Goguen, n.d.). …show more content…

For example, a breach of duty can happen if the physician fails to thoroughly examine a patient or inaccurately diagnoses a health condition. Furthermore, a breach of duty can happen if the health care provider writes a prescription for the incorrect dose of

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