
Ethical Issues In Brave New World

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Moreover, just like in Brave New World, our world is transitioning into a time where there is a new inverted distinction between the public and private spheres of our lives. In Huxley’s story, all relationships are open, “[e]very one works for everyone else (…) we can’t do without anyone (…) everyone belongs to everyone else” and everyone know everyone’s business. It is normal to talk about sexual relationships as shame in the form we know it does not exist, and it is normal to share partners as jealousy and envy are not part of being ‘human’. People that engage in monogamous behaviour, or even those that simply desire to be alone, to have this privacy, are shunned and punished by being sent away to places away from big cities and away from the ‘public eye’. …show more content…

Epitomized by the Internet and social media like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and WhatsApp, our society became one of exhibitionism and vanity. In our world it became the norm to expose secrets and share every mundane detail of our existence. It is surprising to us if someone, especially among young people, does not have an account on at least one of the previously mentioned social sites. We sometimes even punish those individuals, most of the time not intentionally, but not noticing them, not being able to connect with them at the same level as with others, making them feel invisible. It is important to note that at the centre of this change is modernity and development, and that personal sharing is the basis of human connection. Yet when this basis is exploited by the consumerist shift of the world that’s when it loses meaning, makes us embrace a superficial and faceless society. Thus, Huxley's visualization, not constrained by time, still echoes within our own

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