
Ethical Discrimination Memo

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The purpose of this letter is to address the latest bill you passed Federal Employee Antidiscrimination Act of 2015 (H.R. 1557). This bill will impact discrimination in this contrary which I have a major concern with. This country has been plague by discrimination for decades and it seems to only get worse. More and more people are being judge by their ethnic background, race, and even religion. Some people can’t even get jobs because they’re from a certain area. Employers even go as far as not hiring someone simply because of their name which is just far outrageous. Let more go further in detail as to why discrimination is such a concern to me how your bill my impact it.

In the U.S., discrimination compared to people founded on their ethnicity or cultural orientation is firmly forbidden by federal and state laws in all areas, counting the employment sector. According to study directed by the National Conference for Community and Justice “Approximately 70% of Americans admit that there are racism issues in the workplace. Ethical discrimination may result in the upbringing of ill feelings at work, as well as reduced efficiency. To eradicate these ramifications, small-business owners must put forth increased effort in shortening ethical discrimination in the …show more content…

“Although 61% of Hispanics say "there is a lot of discrimination against" blacks, 71% say the equivalent of themselves. In addition, ominously more white evangelicals see themselves as being discriminated against (50%) as say the same about blacks (36%) or Hispanics (32%). And although Catholics are less apt to see discrimination against their own, fully 33% come to an understanding that they face "lots" of discrimination. No other group perceives Catholics facing even close to that extent of

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