
Ethical Dilemmas In The Military

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Robot Wars: A Discussion of the Computerization of the US Military and its Ethical Implications. By Logan Sheaffer Yarnell Abstract The use of unmanned drones, spying on One’s citizens, and making deadlier weapons may seem morally wrong, but they also keep us safe. There are also technologies being used to help injured veterans get back onto the field. As technology improves the lines between weapon and warrior are becoming blurred. This causes a host of ethical problems. This paper will discuss potential ethical problems inherent in the way we use computing in warfare, and possible solutions. Keywords: drone, soldier, surveillance, prosthetics. Consequence Based, Utilitarian, Deontology, Duty based, Character Based, Contract based …show more content…

It was called Woots steel or Damascus steel. Today we use carbon steel for cars, airplanes, and many other civilian uses. However, back in 4th century India, it was used exclusively for swords and armor [5]. In 1849 the very first Unmanned Ariel vehicle was used. During a revolt in Venice against Austrian rule, the Austrians used Balloons to go over the cities defenses and drop bombs on the city from relative safety [1]. Missile guidance systems were pioneered during World War One, but were more popular in World War Two. NASA would later use the same systems reach the moon. All of these systems, Calculations, carbon steel, unmanned technology and systems are used by todays military on the field. However, the main threat of these devices is not so much what they are capable of. It is how cheaply and easily the can do it. The idea that the government is capable of spying on you might be scary. But the knowledge that it is just a few clicks away should be more …show more content…

If people are understood of have undeniable rights, then all of them can, and are, being violated by drones. A right to privacy is being breached, since most drones are used for surveillance and aid in data mining and matching. A right to life is being taken as well. A drone cannot take prisoners and accept surrender. This is one of the reasons why the mission to take Osama Bin Laden used A seal team and not a drone. They wished to take him alive if possible, make sure they found a body, and keep civilian casualties to a minimum [7]. Drones also aid in the breaching the rights of people to face prosecution. While this can be justified in war, in same cases, such as in Iraq and Afghanistan, where they are used more as law enforcement then a weapon of war, the distinction is many times hard to make, and the actions are more difficult to justify. 3.4 Character Based moral perspectives Character based moral perspectives are also critical of current computerization in the military. Drone pilots many times feel immense guilt over their actions. Even with the obvious moral reasons to pilot drones, a drone pilot may find their moral character in question even more so then a traditional soldier. 4. Conclusion By it's very nature, it is difficult to see what the future of war holds. Computers are tools, but they are becoming an increasingly powerful and autonomous

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