Class Reflection There are many times in a setting where you work with other adults that something will come into play that provides a conflict that could potentially create a clash of ideas. Sometimes something that one person may think is the correct way to go about things, could be wrong in the eyes of the other adult. When this conflict comes into play the two people that come into problems with one another need to make adult decisions to come to an agreement on the conflict that has arisen. Conflict management is about calming discussing the situation in order to brainstorm on the problem (Watson, 2012). My paper discusses a current dilemma, ethical ideal/principles that relate to the dilemma, as well as future approach. Ethical Dilemma The ethical dilemma that I have come into is a case in which a director was filling into a classroom for a teacher. Unfortunately the classroom that the director was filling in for, …show more content…
It almost feels like this falls under ethical responsibilities to the children. The teacher should ensure they are creating a safe, healthy, nurturing, and responsive setting for each child (Gartell, 2013). By the parent/director allowing the child to act out, the parent/director was not putting the needs of the other children first. I say this because, the director is teaching the other children that it is ok to act that way. In addition, if the parent/director was treating their child differently, such as favoring, the other children could potentially pick up on this as well. The parent/director should facilitate cooperative and individual activities so that each child can experience success (Gartell, 2013). By not addressing the behavior of their child, this sends mixed messages to the class. In addition, this does not allow the children the opportunity to cope with the behavior, hence allowing for a healthy class environment (Morrison, 2014) as the parent/director is utilizing
C.S Lewis once said, “Education without values, as useful as it is, seems rather to make man a more clever devil.” Ethics, defined by Merriam-Webster, is a “set of moral principles.” Ethical behavior should create an ideal learning environment that builds the foundation of an ethical environment. The experience gained in an ethical AP English classroom will greatly affect the student’s future. Education is not limited to academic study, but is rather the holistic growth of a human being.
Ethical implications arise when a situation deals with principles of morality and resolution is neither right nor wrong. Because of the stress and emotion ethical dilemmas present us with; steps have been recognized to help work through determination. Although each and every situation is unique, a framework for problem resolution along with laws for ethical situations has taken effect.
A Code of Ethics document may outline the mission and values of the organization, how professionals are supposed to approach problems, the ethical principles based on the organization’s core values and the standards to which the professional will be held. The educator’s Code of Ethics consists of standards that all teachers should abide by at all times. For instance, standard seven states that “an educator shall comply with state and federal laws and state school board policies relating to the confidentiality of students and personal records, standardized test materials, and other information.” There are approxiamently eleven other standards listed on the Code of Ethics for Educators.
It is important to begin a study of resource management and allocation with a discussion of ethics because work ethics guides the school leaders with the help of moral compass how to utilize the public resources and taxpayers’ money. In order to execute the school budget efficiently and avoid conflict of interest, school leaders must know how to develop the code of ethics regarding resource management and
When dealing with behavior, remain calm and positive. Do not allow yourself to get in a power struggle with a student. Use system of least prompts to help the child work through the issue.
College is a place to meet new people, grow your mind and network. College is where you can find a lot of people that have an influence on how your grown and interact with others, interactions are not always pleasant but you must always try your best to defuses so that you come out on top. Not only is it people that influence you but there are also other factors such as environment, athletic issues, finance and personal issues which any and most students enroll in a college or university face. In the movie ‘Higher Learning”, based on Columbus University campus, you see all these factors these factors play a roll in one or more students lives.
Discuss the ethical dilemmas PMHNPs sometimes find themselves in and name the opposing ethical principles
On Thursday August 4, 2016, I was at work. I was informed that there was a young man asking for my work schedule (what days I worked and time) and what car I drove. After no information was given out to him (Tala Toilolo) left my work location in which shortly after Johnnie contacted a former co-worker and a current employee. He asked for the same information. Someone came to my job before my shift was over to watch out for me and inform me of everything she had heard Johnnie and affliates were after. This person warned me to "watch my back, to never be alone, and that whenever I go out whether it was work or anywhere else to not leave anywhere until I made sure my ride arrived ." If someone overhears all this and is friends with
People from all walks of life face many ethical dilemmas. These dilemmas have consequences. Our worldview determines how we deal with these dilemmas, and guides us to the right decisions. In this essay, I will examine an ethical issues through my Christian worldview. I will also present other viewpoints, and compare them to mine.
A teacher must deal with disruptive classroom behavior throughout their career. To do so, they must not only develop their skills in handling these situations but also develop ethical standards for their classroom. These standards set forth by the teacher will help them deal with their students, those students’ parents, the school administrators and their community. There are numerous articles written that could help a teacher when researching any legal or ethical issues that may arise during their teaching career. This paper summarizes four
. I was on my way to a 10:30 class on route 29 in Gainesville, heading towards route 66 when I looked over I noticed a car was flipped over on its side, and there was not a cop in site. The first thing that came to my mind was to stop, but there were multiple people helping. However, I knew how traffic was going to be on 66 to get to Mason on time. I had to juggle the choices of stopping, be late to class or keep driving and arrive to class on time. If I missed the class I would miss out on important information needed to pass the class to complete my degree. If I did not have a class that day I would have stopped because I care about people’s well-being. The consequence approach to this decision is deciding to keep driving because it is my
A problem or situation that requires a person or organization to choose between alternatives that must be evaluated as right (ethical) or wrong (unethical)
What does education mean if ethics is sacrificed for academic gains? As Aristotle once said, “educating the mind without the heart is no education at all”. Not to mention, ethics is the key in shaping moral identities in people, especially students. This essay examines the importance of teaching ethics to students and the challenges that come with it. Educating students on ethics can minimize academic misconducts, guide students to become self-reliant in decision-making and attain wisdom. Yet, less experienced teachers, ignorance towards the importance of ethics and the increasing pressure on teachers regarding students’ academic standards have become inevitable challenges in the implementation of ethics in education.
“Ethics are defined as a set of principles of right conducts; the rules or standards governing the conduct of a person or the members of a profession” ( Dictionary of the Human Language, 2000). Teachers are often put in situations that require more than just knowing the basic school rules. It is within these situations, that the ethical dilemmas occur. There is not always a right way to deal with many daily problems that face educators, but there are ways to handle situations that are better then others.
Code of ethics act as a promise to protect and support the safety of individuals in society, supports as a leading light it help the supporters of an occupation, resolve ethical problems and act as a protector the community. A code of ethics discloses and conserves the current viewpoint professionals on in what way to make ethical decisions. It stresses importance on obligation to moral values and vital beliefs. Application of a code of ethics helps us to guarantee that members of the profession will be accountable for their actions. It helps us to learn about the responsibility we have for ourselves, our colleagues and to the social structure of the profession. It is essential that the present and future psychologist should be