
'Ethical Dilemmas In A Few Good Men'

Decent Essays

Potter Stewart once quoted, “Ethics is knowing the difference between what you have a right to do and what is right to do.” In every decision we make, we are faced with what is ethically correct as dictated by different factors such as laws and religion versus what your desired outcome is. This ethical battle transpires throughout the novel, “A Few Good Men”. Throughout this play, the characters partake in scenes, which the reader may view as either ethical or unethical. Depending on each character’s morals and intentions, one will be able to determine whether or not a particular action is ethical or unethical. Although one may view it from a variety of perspectives, it should be, for the most part, favoring one side. In my opinion, Colonel Nathan Jessop’s decision to train Santiago to respect the Code of the Marines and the chain in command was ethical while Lieutenant Kendrick’s decision to assault Santiago was unethical. Although his …show more content…

Because his intentions were good, his decision is an ethical one in my opinion. Even though Santiago’s death was a tragedy it still was for good reason. If Santiago were to do what he did on war grounds with bullets flying and bombs lighting the sky, he would be putting his fellow Marines in danger resulting in several casualties. Colonel Jessop tells the judge in court, “You can’t handle the truth” (Sorkin 49), referring to the fact that in order to completely understand why he made his decision is to be in his position and to have seen what he seen. He firmly believes that Santiago’s death saved lives and actually benefited his platoon. The Colonel has seen a lot of war and understands what his platoon needs and what can potentially harm it. I completely believe that his decision to order the Code Red was Ethical and that it did, in fact, save

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