
Ethical Decision Making, Moral Agency And Advocacy

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Nursing is a profession that is always changing to benefit the patient and the community. In the complexity of nursing, and to give uniformity an APRN (Advanced Practice Registered Nurse) Consensus Model was established. The Consensus Model promotes uniformity to the four roles of APRN’s which are as follows: Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS), Certified Nurse Practitioner (CNP), Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA), and a Certified Nurse Midwives (CNM). A “CNS is n APRN with a focus on macrosystems with three spheres of influence: patient, nursing, and healthcare system. The CNS follows Core Competencies as outlined by the National Association of Clinical Nurse Specialist.” (Stuesse, 2014) The role of the CNS according to Denisco and Barker (2016) is as follows: • Direct care • Systems leadership • Collaboration • Coaching • Consultation • Research • Ethical decision making, moral agency and advocacy. (p.8) As one can see, there are many elements and responsibilities for a CNS. To fully understand the complexity of going from bedside nursing to a CNS position, an interview was much needed to answer some questions and bring further understanding. C. Nappo was interviewed on October 28th, 2015. The interview was formal and was approximately one hour long. Miss Nappo was more than eager to convey her journey and experiences to this position of CNS. She spoke of the hospitals mission, and stated that it is how she believes nursing should be. Mission Statement

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