
Ethical Considerations Of A Radiographer

Decent Essays

As a healthcare professional we are governed by principles and ethical conduct that ensure we provide high quality of care to patients. A patient’s presentation should not be discriminated against or discourage the way in which you treat your patient. All patients deserve and should receive an expected standard of care. The attitudes of a radiographer towards a down syndrome (DS) patient should not differ from that of any non-disabled patient. They should still remain in a professional and positive manner to ensure a safe examination is conducted. As these attitudes can have an impact on future examinations and the care of the patient. DS patients may not say much in the way of words. However this does not mean they do not understand what you are saying to them. Assumptions like this should not be made. They can understand more than they can express. Depending on the severity of patient’s condition, they may or may not be competent to provide consent. But you should always ensure you ask them first. DS patients usually have a family member or caregiver with them. They can appointed as a proxy/surrogate to provide consent if the patient incapable …show more content…

Radiographers should provide more time for DS patients to understand what has been said to them and formulate a response. There may be a tendency for a radiographer to begin speaking more loudly to help send a clear message. But this can be easily interpreted by the DS patient as being shouted at. DS patients also exhibit more changes in body language such as visual cues and facial expression. So attention is required ensure the radiographer is receiving and interpreting these cues carefully. If there is still trouble to gain the cooperation of the patient. A family member or caregiver can be a helpful mediator to communicate with the patient. When providing information to DS patients, break it down into small bits, as too much information can frustrate the

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