
Ethical Command Climate Essay

Decent Essays

War is an ugly business. As a soldier, you suddenly find yourself in a situation where you are fighting for your survival, and together with your brothers in arms have to determine what level of violence to apply to solve your mission and survive. In general, human rights, international laws of war, rules of engagement, expectations and demands of the society, and Army values guides our actions on the battlefield. I will in this essay explain how a commander sustains an ethical command climate in war and explain some major factors that challenge an ethical command climate. One approach to understanding how a commander sustains an ethical command climate in war is to understand the factors that contribute to the opposite. Stress, fear, …show more content…

Furthermore, there are many similarities between fostering a learning organization and sustaining an ethical command climate, and some specific leadership values are essential to mitigate violations of ethical rules and standards. An environment fostering dialogue, moral courage, individual respect and critical thinking are essential. War will challenge individuals and the organization`s ethical standards, and open dialogue respecting individual thoughts within the organizational parameters is vital in the continued process of aligning the organizations ethical standards. Leading by example is a success criterion. Leaders are role models and soldiers will over time copy a leader`s norms and values in their actions. Maintaining discipline is also an important leadership value. A command climate allowing soldiers to bend and stretch rules will in war lose a unified culture. Finally, it is imperative with a clear commander`s intent. When the operational approach and the end state turns blurry, the border between right and wrong, murder and killing, becomes blurry as well. One example of this from the Fall of the Warrior King is when Sassaman says, “We are going to inflict extreme violence.” What is the difference between violence and extreme violence and where is the line between right and

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