Ethical Dilemma Analysis through the 8 questions model by Arthur Dobrin Case 1 – Rental Applicant 1. Facts • African-American applicant • Stable work history • More than enough income to cover the rent • Good references from their previous landlord • A couple with one young son (Family) • Before applicants accepted, rental agent should have done a background check as a standard procedure. 2. Facts we don’t know • Verifications of facts – conduct a cross check o Whether or not the facts provided by the applicant are true Income – Salary Statement References from landlord – Written letter/call Work History – Stable/Unstable work experience • Applicants behavior/habit – past rental history o Whether or not they like …show more content…
• The objective of the business is to make money for the shareholders, thus the business need to make profit. Hence, most likely agency problem would occur, which refers to the ethical dilemma between the shareholder interest and the CEO interest. • Dave, the store manager, wanted the staff to push the ‘upsize’ menu options and ice creams for dessert, which this refers to an issue of sabotage. 4. Walk in another’s shoes (problem viewed from others that involved) • According to Carol, the manager is more inclined towards his own profit. • According to Dave it is fast to maximize the profit and his own commission. • According to customer, they might be cheated into buying unhealthy food. 5. Consequences • By agreeing to Dave, the profit might be higher in the short term, whereas by going against Dave, the company might lose out on the profit. But by keeping the reputation of the company, it will help in the long-term profitability. • She might lose her own position if she does not agree to Dave plan. • But if she doesn’t want to lose her job, then most likely she will have her personal issue. 6. Feelings • If she agrees to Dave, she will be safe, but if she goes against him, she might lose her job. (personal dilemmas) 7. Conscience • In order to save the job, Carol might let her inner conscience take the back seat, because this is cognitive resonance within herself. Her
Her boss, Ed, has recommended counseling due to decrease in motivation with job activities. After ten years on the job, he feels the alcohol and drugs are affecting performance levels with low motivation in performing every day job duties. Ed is concerned that she has fallen into depression due to breaking up with her boyfriend.
Joshua should sympathize with her desire to go back to work for the positive effects it will have on the family’s welfare. He should analyze the
This wasn’t a big concern, but it was hard for me to believe that Meg wouldn’t just take the day off to go to her father’s funeral. I would think if the employees were so close, they would be understanding and force her not to come to work. And this also goes the other way, why wouldn’t Meg announce she has to go to her father’s funeral. It would be one thing if she had a job she could not miss, but I would think the job she has now would allow it and be understanding towards it.
Jane will need to really work on keeping a positive attitude in the workplace so
Sally is looking for a position in head office because she is ambitious. She does not consider the factors that would affect her if she does get hired. Her commute to work would increase to one hour each way unless she moves closer to downtown. The job would take a toll on her health and she would not have much time for her daughter with the late nights, meetings and traveling. Even if her illness comes back, she believes she can cope with the demanding job by working even harder to prove to herself that she can do anything.
She does not ask what the employees think before she implements anything. The employees therefore perceive Sally to be a poor manager who does not care about employees’ work condition and who buries herself ‘behind a high desk with her back to the door in an office two levels above’.
Today, executives are having a rough time juggling between the demands of the workplace and those of their families and other personal responsibilities. In a bid to meet targets and other organizational goals and objectives, business executives in addition to traveling extensively also tend to dedicate long hours to office work.
As a strike looms, one such woman hopes that this unfortunate turn of events won't disrupt her plans for a lunch party.
Based on your analysis of the problem, what advice would you give Erica for dealing with the situation?
realistic: Alice will need to decide if she has time to work at an additional part-time job.
She feels like her career has come to a standstill, feeling that an everyday task is a burden, not an achievement. There is no appreciation or acknowledgement for her work. Management has not given her the bonus that she deserved and her thoughts and contributions are not valued. Her individual mechanism which was stress reflected psychologically by the demands of the job. This mechanism is critical to job performance and the organizational commitment. Her personality and cultural values also affected the way she behaved at work. I believe her motivation to the job has diminished. The trust, justice, and the ethics of the job have reflected in what she feels in the
Mrs. Acres has an opportunity she is faced with and she needs to decide on what's best for her based on the situations around her. As far as we know, Mrs. Acres loves being in the work environment but the
Yes I believe Holmes can endure the effort she put into her job as long as she keep on having no other activities but her job: However, should she decide to start having a social life, or have a decrease in health then her work style would become difficult for
She has also decided to go to Human Resources and she has been told that she must take her concerns to management and recommends the Employee Assistance Program. Joanne starts to look within the organization in finding another job that is not as demanding as her current position. She finds one that is appealing to her and she has been hearing positive thing about the clinic and their nurse manager. She applies and has been called in for an interview with clinic. Human Resources contacted her to see if she told her current nurse manager that she has applied for another job. She promptly told them that she had not and asked why she would need to tell him, especially if she did not get the position. She explained to the human resource representative that she feared that this would put a strain on the working relationship by prematurely informing her nurse manager of the application. The Human Resource representative informs Joanne that it is company policy to notify managers of any intent to leave. Joanne is embarrassed and frustrated, but will comply with company’s policy and hopes that her nurse manager will understand and not hold
Very hard to pay her bills, but one day she is told that her job is having a high turnover now she s?