
Ethical Business Dilema

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Ethical Dilemma Analysis through the 8 questions model by Arthur Dobrin Case 1 – Rental Applicant 1. Facts • African-American applicant • Stable work history • More than enough income to cover the rent • Good references from their previous landlord • A couple with one young son (Family) • Before applicants accepted, rental agent should have done a background check as a standard procedure. 2. Facts we don’t know • Verifications of facts – conduct a cross check o Whether or not the facts provided by the applicant are true  Income – Salary Statement  References from landlord – Written letter/call  Work History – Stable/Unstable work experience • Applicants behavior/habit – past rental history o Whether or not they like …show more content…

• The objective of the business is to make money for the shareholders, thus the business need to make profit. Hence, most likely agency problem would occur, which refers to the ethical dilemma between the shareholder interest and the CEO interest. • Dave, the store manager, wanted the staff to push the ‘upsize’ menu options and ice creams for dessert, which this refers to an issue of sabotage. 4. Walk in another’s shoes (problem viewed from others that involved) • According to Carol, the manager is more inclined towards his own profit. • According to Dave it is fast to maximize the profit and his own commission. • According to customer, they might be cheated into buying unhealthy food. 5. Consequences • By agreeing to Dave, the profit might be higher in the short term, whereas by going against Dave, the company might lose out on the profit. But by keeping the reputation of the company, it will help in the long-term profitability. • She might lose her own position if she does not agree to Dave plan. • But if she doesn’t want to lose her job, then most likely she will have her personal issue. 6. Feelings • If she agrees to Dave, she will be safe, but if she goes against him, she might lose her job. (personal dilemmas) 7. Conscience • In order to save the job, Carol might let her inner conscience take the back seat, because this is cognitive resonance within herself. Her

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