
Ethan Frome Quotes

Decent Essays

“Mattie put her lips close against his ear to say: ‘right into the big elm. You said you could. So ‘t we’d never have to leave each other anymore.’” This quote illustrates the character flaws of Ethan Frome and addresses the catastrophic accident that occurs at the end of the novel. Ethan’s passive attitude and love for Mattie throughout the novel leads to his inevitable destruction. Without Ethan’s love for Mattie, the accident never would have occurred. Because he loved Mattie so openly, his wife, Zeena, wasn’t oblivious to his affections. Zeena’s envy led her to replace Mattie with a hired girl, which is why they were even on the hill sledding in the first place. They were reminiscing the times they had spent together and plans they wished

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