
Essence Vs Labor

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This paper will examine the 19th century concept of the will in the terms of Karl Marx and Ludwig Feuerbach. It will defend Karl Marx’s position that man shapes the world around us by the labor that man produces, and that Ludwig Feuerbach’s belief that man shapes the world through religious essence is incorrect. This is because the secular essence that Feuerbach is observing is stopping man from changing what is actually oppressing society, which is alienated labor. Marx and Feuerbach both take Johann Fichte’s concept of the will, which states that we manifest the world we live in through our actions, but go about this concept in completely different ways. Both Marx and Feuerbach take the idea of manifesting the world we live in and …show more content…

Whether god was created in mans image or man was created in god’s image isn’t a core problem to Marx. Marx thinks that the idea of intangible essence should be completely put to rest as far as philosophical thought is concerned. This is because Marx believes that since man has focused so much energy into the idea of essence, capitalism and alienated labor were able to oppress society. Marx says, “Once the earthly family to be the secret of the heavenly family the former must itself be destroyed in theory and practice (Marx pg282)”. Marx believes that as a society, man needs to move away from any thought of essence and religion whatsoever in order to better shape our society. Karl Marx makes many important points in his writings about how society at his time was being oppressed by industrialization and the beginning of capitalism. Marx believed man was being alienated from his labor in four different ways. The Alienation of the worker from the work he produces is the first way man alienates himself from his labor. This means man is alienated from the product of his labor. The product's design and the manner in which it is produced are determined not by its actual producers, nor even by those who consume products, but rather by the business owners. The business owner controls the labor and owns the means of production. In other words, the business owner gains control of workers and gains the beneficial effects of his work by

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