

Decent Essays

Dozed off in a wooden chair, I was startled awake by the loud beeps of the heart-rate monitor. I raced to the nurse’s station, frantically searching for anyone to help, but to no avail. No nurses or physicians were to be found. As I rushed back to the ward where the patient lay comatose, the machine now droned on at its constant rate. It was too late. My father was gone. I felt alone and in despair and wanted to prevent this common issue in Kenya from happening to others. This was the first time that I felt the impact that an insufficient supply of healthcare personnel has on patient care, but it would not be the last.
While growing up in Sigotik, a remote rural village in Kenya, I wanted to study business, but my life would be refocused …show more content…

I also involved myself in conflict resolution projects, such as hosting soccer matches between historically antagonistic ethnic communities in my village. My services also included becoming a youth pastor and a Sunday school teacher in a local church. I saw how young lives can be positively transformed by teaching alternatives to destructive social practices like female genital mutilation and early marriages.
In 2013, due to ethnic violence and political clashes that displaced many people in Kenya, my family and I immigrated to America as political refugees. Uprooted from my home, I faced many challenges as I adjusted to life in America. I struggled with the language barriers along with social and cultural differences, and my academic record reflects my struggle during those years. However, I persevered and transformed my hardships into a force of strength that propelled me to do well in my science classes. I secured a job as a private and community college science tutor in Colorado so that I could help other struggling students like myself, whilst honing my communicative and interpersonal skills: skills that I know are imperative to practicing quality medicine.
My desire to become a doctor has further been solidified through my volunteer work, such as a patient transporter in an emergency department. My time as a volunteer helped me discover that helping people added greater meaning to my life, and I cherished every smile I put on a

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