
Essay On Why School Should Start Later

Decent Essays

Students should be for a later start time because their academic success, safety, and alertness would all improve. As children get older they transfer more often to other schools. Start times are earlier and homework increases which lead to less sleep. Schools all around the U.S should move to a later start time. It would benefit both students and parents. As you get older your grades become the most important thing. Your grades get you into a nice college, for you to do your dream carrier. Schools could prevent their students from having bad grades if they change the school start time. Teens brain stay in sleep mode until around 8 a.m. they also need around eight hours to be fully engaged (Wahlstrom 2). A couple schools tried out latter …show more content…

They said “ I used to do drugs so that way it got me all pumped up for my games” stated Alex. If students have an extra 30 minutes to an hour of sleep, the study’s say that they will do better in both school and after-school activities (Park 1). Car accidents have been a big cause of teen deaths. Traffic safety administration stated that “ Students who are sleep-deprived has reduced actions times, slower eye movements, and decreased the ability to make quick decisions. In fact, a person with fewer than four hours of sleep has the same driving characteristics as someone who is legally drunk” (Wahlstrom 3). When students are driving to school in the morning it is usually dark outside. When it is dark outside they can’t see everything. Even if they look away for one quick moment a kid could be crossing the road to get on the bus and all of sudden get hit. If school were to start at around 8 to 8:30 that gives high students an extra hour of sleep. The elementary would be the first school to start, then intermediate, then junior high, and lastly high school. As elementary and intermediate most parents have bedtimes for their kids, but junior high and high schoolers don’t have a bedtime. Most works start at 8 am. So adults usually get around eight hours of

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