I thought applying to colleges was the hardest part of the process, but I was flat-out wrong. Choosing which college to attend was by far the hardest decision I have ever had to make. I empathize with prospective students deciding if UVa should be their new home, because I was in the same shoes not too long ago. However, I want to be an intern to show prospective students, through guided tours and other outlets, how much UVa could offer them. When choosing a school, many students go on tours to picture themselves at the institution, and obtain as much information as possible. Therefore, I believe my experience thus far has made me aware of several opportunities that can encourage prospective students to thoughtfully consider UVa. I know motivated students want to attend an institution that will guide them and help them flourish toward their …show more content…
In addition, I know driven students are curious, and UVa has a unique system, that encourages students to thrive on their curiosity, that pairs undergraduate students with professors for research in many different fields. Student advisors and research opportunities, are just some of the numerous opportunities that I would love to share with prospective students. Through tours and social media, I want to help show talented students that UVa is the place where they should want to complete their undergraduate degree, because of some of the same reasons I chose UVa: academics, a supportive environment for academic excellence, numerous ways to get involved, and school spirit of course. Ultimately, I want to be an intern because, just as I believe that choosing UVa was one of the best decision I have made, I want to use my acquired knowledge and college experience to show students that, if presented the opportunity, choosing UVa could be one of the the best decision that they make as
1). Participants are allowed the chance to converse with college recruiters from Maryland, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Virginia one-on-one to receive pointers on how to anticipate college as well as the university scene. This precise event was free to middle school and high school students of Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools, as well as North Carolina counties, and other states (“CIAA Education Day” par. 3). It is important for the CIAA to give back to the community from which it is composed. Furthermore, the association will continue to invest time and effort into initiating community outreach projects as it also enlightens future college students about the forthcoming
Virginia Tech has been the home for both my brothers through their mechanical engineer degree and their transformation into responsible and hardworking young adults. I am the third of my family to attend Virginia Tech and even before I was accepted the campus already felt like a second home to me. I know the campus extremely well due to the many visits made and the rural location is quite calming and therapeutic when overwhelmed with stress. The distance from my home puts my mind at ease due to the fact that I always have an opportunity to return home if any major problems arise at home. The entire environment given to me by attending Virginia Tech allows a tranquil learning experience where I will be able to complete my short term goal of rapidly adapting to college life and focus on pursuing my chosen major.
During this stressful season of college applications, I feel that I have an advantage over my classmates. The majority are terrified, searching desperately for a school for them. I, however, am calm. I have been a Hokie fan for my entire life, and dreamed of attending the university for nearly that long. My family is constantly traveling to Blacksburg to cheer on the football team or to enjoy the local food, and I know that nothing would make my mother prouder than seeing me graduate from her alma mater one day. Even if I had no prior connection to Virginia Tech, I would have eventually decided it was the right place for me. It has a beautiful campus full of innovative and wonderfully diverse students. If someone has an ingenious idea that
The support around the university is phenomenal and has made the adjustment easier. The atmosphere of the school is unbelievable and still surprises me today with all it can offer. I am part of the biggest freshman class Virginia Tech as ever had and I am truly honored to be part of something so monumental. I am overwhelmed with the fact I get to call Virginia Tech my home for the next four years and truly make a difference around campus. My academic goals for the next four years are to make the dean’s list and keep at least a 3.5 GPA. I hope to succeed above and beyond in all my classes and stand out. My career goals are to work with Black Bears as a Wildlife Biologist or possibly a game warden, I hope to soon find the right path for my upcoming future. I aim to maybe add a minor in the upcoming year, however I am still debating. In the past, I was an active member in various organization and clubs like Future Farmers of America, DECA, Future Business Leaders of America, Community Service, and National Honor Society. I have volunteered multiple hours around my community at basketball tournaments, food pantry’s, blood drives, and company
Coming from a small high school and later a small college, I know now more than ever that James Madison University is the school for me. When I received a letter in the mail offering me not only an acceptance letter, but also an abundant scholarship from Elizabethtown College, a small private school, I felt I would be foolish not to accept this generous award. While I have had great experiences and have learned an abundance of knowledge in and outside the classroom during my first semester of college, I now know that to reach my full potential, it’s time to move on to a larger, more diverse campus like JMU. For me, Elizabethtown College was comfortable and reminded me of my hometown. Now I know that to be more successful, I need to step
That being said, it is also a bit daunting; the pool of opportunities is so vast. However, due to the variety of course options offered through UVA’s program, I believe that I would be adequately prepared for whatever I choose to do within Higher Education. In this way, the variety of elective options will allow me to explore different topics within Higher Education and assist me in finding where I want to go within it.
Like the other applicants, I’m a junior in high school. I’ve moved around a couple times, from New York to Michigan to Minnesota back to Michigan and finally here, Virginia. Out of everywhere I’ve lived, NOVA is definitely the best. This is a terrific area, all the different cultures and peoples- the overall opportunity. Anyone can truly be anything here. It’s inspiring. Applying to this program is a big leap for me. The work load may be intense, but I can handle it. I’m a well-adjusted fella. Moving tends to have that effect on people if you ask me.
After graduating high school and attending my first year of college I felt out of place. I wanted to be more certain about my future and what I intend to do with it. I am kind of like a planner, I want my checklist all the way up to the point of what house I want to buy after having a steady job. But this does clash with how cautious I can be when it comes to my future. I feel that Virginia Commonwealth University can ease the lack a placement that I feel.
I transferred to The University of Virginia in 2015 and found myself in an uneasy state from the moment I arrived. I did not know what exactly I wanted to study and the majors that sparked my interest were unavailable to me, considering UVA wanted me to finish in two years and I didn’t have the right prerequisites.
Noted authors, Brandon Chambers, is quoted saying, “If you are going to fear anything fear success. Think about what you are doing and when you succeed what life you will have.” There are several different reasons why I could stay home, work and not go to college; I could go to work every day and make more money for the house, it’s easier, and I would be less stressed. Now, on the other hand there are many reasons why I should go to school; such as further my education, make my family proud, and make myself proud. I am attending college for several different reasons. One reason is to further my education. I hate feeling like I don’t know something, I like being the person everyone comes to for information. Also, because I want to
An awakening transition took place in my life the day I enrolled into college. I had the concept upon me that with the importance of my college education, positioning myself in the right direction and observing the results of hard work I dedicated myself to, I could bring myself farther than imagined once I reached the point of achievement. This importance of having a college education, enhanced a vision of what I desired for my future. In the light of my enrollment from the beginning, I found that I grasped two deep likings of the business and healthcare industries.
Out of the three of us, I am the only black female who is majoring in science. My experience here has been difficult at times, but overall I think my adjustment here has gone pretty well. How I hope to demonstrate the VT motto of, "Ut Prosim" in the Hokie community is by becoming involved with multi-culturalism. I was a Gateway host this Spring semester as a part of the Gateway program that is sponsored by the Undergraduate Admission office. Which was very rewarding to provide incoming freshmen the opportunity to experience how life at Virginia Tech is like for minorities. Especially, since I participated in Gateway as an incoming freshman, and I know how much the Gateway program positively impacted my decision to attend Virginia Tech. In the Fall of 2016 I hope to become involved with the Fall Visitation program as well as the Yates Ambassador program. Each of these programs has played a pivotal role for in me choosing Tech. I hope that I can be afforded the opportunity to receive acceptance to the Multicultural Academic Opportunities Program Undergraduate Scholars’ Program because I know with the financial assistance this program can provide, will allow me opportunities to give back to Virginia Tech’s campus
In summary, this college education that I pursue is the only missing component in my master plan for my life. Knowledge is the key to all progress in life, and I believe my time at VCU will unlock a path of limitless possibilities for my future. I am doing all I can at present time
I decided to make an account to ask this question in hopes of gathering some responses from students or alumni given that I am OOS and I don't know anyone at UVA to ask, so I would appreciate any feedback!!
Why VCU? Why choose this university out of all the other colleges? At first, I’ve never thought I would go to college out of state so, when applying to colleges my main choices were colleges in-state. They were affordable, close, and everything I had was back at home. Learning about and applying, to VCU was just a suggestion from a friend and a last-minute decision. But I noticed something when touring each school, the majority of the time I didn’t feel that euphoric feeling of “I’m going to college,” instead, it made me feel dreary. But, the last school I decided to tour was VCU and coming here had a different vibe. It made me feel accepted and able to move forward in life with one of the main reasons being the interactions I had with some