
Essay On Why Britain Was In Ww2

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Why British was in WWII
War, war never changes. Once upon a time, there used to be a time, nearly half of the world were drawn in a huge warfare, and this is WWII. Treaty of Versailles not only let Germany paid for the whole WWI, but also taken away parts of Germany content. The winners drop all of the responsibility on Germany, however, although the winner could write the history, the truth will never be forgotten, Four years later, the Europeans and Americans were surprised on the huge change on German, they never going to know, who brought Germany from the pieces and trashes, and how they will suffer under this genes evil: Adolf Hitler. In this paper, I will explain why Britain will forced to involved in WWII.
I will first introduce an important documentation that is the key reason of the war: Treaty of Versailles. According to the Treaty of Peace (Treaty of Versailles)(1), This file highly limited the amount of German army, and let Germany payed huge amount of money. For that the whole Germany drop in to one of the lowest gap in the history, from, After the WWI, …show more content…

Was rely on ships, but there are over 6000 ships was destroyed during the WWI by Germany, so without the trade and the goods from its colony, British start losing its power, here I have another graph, which shows the GDP in British after WWI (6), We can see from that, British GDP is also dropping after WWI.
At June 22nd, 1941, the leader of Britain, Winston Churchill, had a speech, which still available on (9) He encourage the British people to fight against Nazi and Hitler, and protect the Britain. From that time, Britain, had officially entered in the

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