
Essay On Website Security

Decent Essays

Keep Secure Your WordPress Site Using Actionable Steps

In today’s highly connected digital ecosystem, our lives, businesses, communications, and a lot of activities depend on the websites and web applications. All websites contain sensitive data and deliver business-critical information services to the targeted audience. Due to the rapidly increasing use of websites and web applications, vulnerabilities have become quite rampant. Even the smallest security loophole can give cybercriminals a chance to destroy the web-based business, damage customer confidence, and brand reputation in a short time span.

The bitter fact is that more and more people are making WordPress sites for meeting their specific business goals. But unfortunately, …show more content…

2. Craft A Definite Password Management Policy

Whiling operating websites professionally, you can't be ignorant towards the security & privacy of site's login details. Most of the individuals use easily predictable passwords for multiple websites & E-accounts, making it easier for professional hackers to hack websites easily and create the havoc without any difficulty.

To avoid the mess and streamline your digital life, you should have a definite password management policy. It will help you to use manage the site's login details easily, reset forgotten passwords, unlock the compromised accounts, etc. You can use the Password Management Software to complete this work effortlessly. This will greatly reduce the risk of your site from being hacked by cybercriminals.

3. Use Two-Factor Authentication

As incidents of cybercrime are escalating at unprecedented rates with each passing day, you can't bank on the ancient defensive methodology of password protection alone. Professional hackers can break even the most difficult password using the sophisticated technologies.

Therefore, it is necessary for you to add an additional line of security to your site by using the Two-factor authentication (TFA). It's a process of verifying the identity of a person who is trying to access your website.

This technology works in this way:

Knowledge of
Intention a passcode or a personal identification number
To log in your site
Wristband, cellphone, ID

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