
Essay On Us Economy

Decent Essays

The United States Economy The US economy is still the largest and the most important in the world which represent about 20% of the total global output and is ranked as 6th highest per capita GDP. The US economy features a highly-developed and technologically-advanced services sector, which accounts for about 80% of its outputs. Large American Corporations also play a role on the global stage with a huge amount of their companies are located all around the world. The US is also the 2nd largest manufacturing in the world and also has an important manufacturing base and is the main hub in producing high-value products. They have access to almost any natural resource and is the world’s largest agricultural exporting country with sophisticated …show more content…

Still, the US economy faces many challenges in its way in the coming years. The Chinese Economy China economy experienced an incredible growth in the last few decades that made the country the 2nd largest economy in the world. When China started the program of economic reforms in 1978, it ranked 9th in nominal GDP but 35 years later it’s now ranked 2nd in the nominal GDP and been the world’s manufacturing hub. In recent years, China’s modernization propelled the tertiary sector and in 2013, it became the largest category of GDP with a share of 46.1%, while the secondary sector still accounted for a sizeable, 45% of the country’s total output. Meanwhile, the primary sector's weight in GDP has shrunk dramatically since the country opened up to the world. Since 1993, China has experienced uninterrupted trade supplies and in 2013, China has overtaken the US as the world’s largest trading nation. As an economy highly integrated into the global trade system, the country benefited from a steady improvement in its term of trade since 2000. The country has multiple bilateral and multilateral trade agreements that opened new markets for its product. A Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between China and ASEAN nations which came into effect in the beginning of 2010, created the world’s third largest free trade area in terms of nominal GDP. China established FTA with nations like Korea, Peru, Pakistan, Singapore and etc.

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