
Essay On Toyota

Better Essays


Toyota is one of the top three companies as per the car sales and car manufactured. Calling Toyota, an innovative car manufacturer is a little bit odd. Its vehicles are being liked all over the world rather than loved. Toyota’s vehicles are famous for imitation rather than invention.
As per the traditional definition innovation means cool new products and breakthroughs. Many business giants defy innovation as creation of something new which adds value. But these definitions are now a day considered as very narrow. Toyota’s innovation has focused on process rather than products, on the factory floor rather than on showroom. That’s why Toyota’s innovations is very rare to see but it has not made them less powerful which can be seen from its best quality products.
Toyota’s product system is considered as benchmark for most of automobile companies .error free and flexible assembly lines shows how innovative …show more content…

Art of ingenuity
2. Pursuit of Perfection
3. Rhythm of fit


Toyota is often criticised for better at imitation than invention. As compare to its rivals Toyota focussed more on the factory floor rather than showroom i.e. process innovation rather than on product innovation.

A Toyota engineer Taiichi Ohno introduced a series of interrelated innovations in manufacturing. Between 1948 and the mid-1960s, Ohno initiated a virtual “revolution” that changed the way production managers viewed optimal inventory levels and many basic concepts of production management. Ohno actually came up with a system to get as much as possible out of every worker, every part and every machine based on simple principles as:
• fix problems as soon as they appear
• eliminate waste and
• ensuring supply and availability of parts when required.

Some of the innovations/changes carried out by Ohno are summarised in the table below:

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