
Essay On The Unjust War

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The Unjust War War, a state of armed conflict between different nations and states. Both nations Texas and Mexico were disputed on their countries borders. Many Americans felt like they wanted to go to war with Mexico and used any reason no matter how big or small to do it. America tried to meet with Mexican representatives to settle the borders, but neither side did much talking. The United States was not just in going to war with Mexico due to them picking on the smaller country (Mexico), Mexico was just defending the borders Mexico thought they had, and Polk sent troops near the border of Mexico and was unclear on his intentions. America was picking on the smaller country, Mexico. The Americans that settled in Texas were on Mexican territory. …show more content…

“Polk ordered troops commanded by Zachary Taylor, arrived at the Rio Grande”(Marquez 327). Mexico could be thinking the troops going near their border are going to attack. “In the eyes of the Mexican Government the U.S. attacked Mexico” (Marquez 327). US troops invaded “their” land. Mexicans attacked to protect their border, but did not try and talk to the US troops first (Marquez 327). Mexico just defended their border, granted they could have handled the situation better. This caused many battles and a war to come (Marquez 327). This made Mexico think there were more troops possibly coming for battles or take over more Mexican land. Mexico think’s we invaded their land and crossed the disputed borders, but the land did not belong to either side. Mexico believes America is going to try and take more land until Mexico has nothing. On the other hand, some say America was just in going to war. It makes sense because Texas wanted to be part of the US who were trying to stop Mexico from bullying Texas (Roden 317). However America made some unruly calls and was not just in going to war. Therefore, this war will forever disputed between the two

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