
Essay On The Truth About African Americans

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The Truth About Native and African Americans They're Not The Only Ones African Americans have been treated horribly bad for the past few hundred years by the European American; but have you ever stopped a moment to think about who else the European Americans mistreated like this. Like the Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, and the Irish Americans. What about the Native Americans? They too were treated like dirt. They were stepped on, and disrespected terribly. Everyone knows how the story goes, Christopher Columbus “discovered” America. But it's not possible to discover something that someone else already knew about. The Native Americans were there first, then the European Americans came. They basically said,”hey we like this place. Let's take …show more content…

Slaves on the ship mutinied, attempted suicide, jumped overboard, or simply refused to eat but when this happened the captain knocked out their teeth and force fed them, or they put hot coals to their mouth and fed them that way. 1.5 million died on the ships on the way to the New World. When the slaves that lived made it to the New World, they went through the final stage in the process known as “seasoning”. They washed, shaved and rubbed slaves down with palm oil to disguise sores, sometimes using cruel or painful cosmetic techniques to rid sores and wounds caused by conditions onboard. Families that managed to stay together are now broken up, bonds formed during the voyage were also broken. Slaves are given new identities, their wills are broken and any bonds with the past severed. Slaves were forced to adapt to new working and living conditions, learn a new language, and adopt new customs. For slaves weakened by the trauma of the voyage, the brutality of this process is overwhelming. Many dies, or committed suicide. Others resisted and were punished. The rest found ways of appearing to conform which still preserved their

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