
Essay On The Stamp Act

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Hundreds of years ago, there was a war that made the British stop controlling the American colonies and made what is today the United States of America. The colonies were huge underdogs with poor amounts of supplies and clothing, but surprisingly found a way to victory and got their independence from the British. Since the war, America has been an independent and powerful country in the world as they still are today. Sparks flew in colonist anger as British Parliament passed acts that America thought were unreasonable, such as the stamp act, this act was in place so the British could raise money. The colonists at this time had to buy stamps that were imprinted into paper goods, newspapers, documents, advertisements, and playing cards. The stamp act was one of the most hated acts by the Americans since it applied to everyone and they always needed the stamps. Another act the British made was a series of taxes called the townshend acts in 1767. This act was a tax on all imported goods, and made the Patriots …show more content…

When the colonists got mad and were rebelling British acts, Thomas Gage, governor of what is now Massachusetts, also took action by making orders to seize Patriot supplies. Gage started taking responsibly on April 14th, 1775 when he got a letter to take force against the Patriots. In response to the letter he ordered to seize and destroy colonists artillery, ammunition, small arms, and tents and the only way for this plan to be successful was to make it very secretive. If word got out Gage knew the Patriots would gather up and face his troops, so he made the strategy so private his own troops didn’t know what they were going to be ordered to do only his most authorized men knew. The colonists were suspicious of British movement and watched all their activity. On April 15th, 1775 Patriots knew that the British were up to something when they started testing boats and

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