
Essay On The Progressive Era

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Progressive Era Essay

Women couldn't vote, children losing limbs and disgusting living conditions. The progressive era was the era of laws to get rid of terrible things that went on during the industrialization. Child labor was helped by laws put in place to ban children under fourteen from working. Many laws were put in place for Women suffrage. Education and acts were put in place and on children to help with public health. Although everything that was on issue during the industrialization was not completely helped people and the government did their best to work together to stop them.
The first abuse people sought to change was the working of children. The people who were primarily trying to change this was the National Child Labor Committee. This committee was brought together by women in the Working Women Society, and also consumers in the middle class range in state Consumers’ leagues. Both had a desire to stop child labor by having anti sweatshop campaigns and labeling programs. Ever since the beginning of the progressive Era which is roughly 1900, many things have put in place to get rid of child labor. Many laws were passed in 1902-1915 for child labor reform. Child labor needed to be reformed because the effect of working for children were sever. Children were dying and losing limbs because of the terrible workplace conditions even …show more content…

Women were making the change with help of government and others. Women tried to get the right to vote and work. It was a great change in the progressive era because the number of women working went up to 7.8 million from 2.6 million. Women reformers did not want to stay in a house all day they wanted to show people that they could do just as much as men.Women later became political leaders and social movements up until 1920. Women did not just want to be cleaning a house for a living, the next topic we will get into wished they had people to

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