
Essay On The Nullification Crisis

Decent Essays

The nullification crisis The nullification crisis was a crisis that began ,1828 when a new tariff was introduced by Congress that raised the cost of imported manufactured goods. South Carolina was very disappointed by this, and they campaigned heavily against this tariff. There was defiantly a conflict of interest in South Carolina because there was a group of people who actually supported the nullification. These people where known as the “nullies.” They attempted to pass nullification through the South Carolina state legislature. However, unionist stood up against the nullies because they felt that the states didn’t hold nullification rights. Nullies felt that the tariff acts of 1828 and 1832 favored Northern-manufacturing at the expense of Southern Farmers. …show more content…

Each state retained the right to prevent the enforcement within its borders and John C Calhoun lost favor with Andrew Jackson. Andrew Jackson stated” Can anyone of common sense believe the absurdity, that a faction of any state or state has a right to secede and destroy the union and , the liberty of the country with it?” Jackson felt that the union must be preserved and he made sure that he let that be known. It is believed that Jackson’s strong objection to Calhoun stemmed from a scandal surrounding Jackson’s wife Rachel. Jackson’s wife was frowned upon because she was viewed as a bigamist. However, Jackson tried to set the record straight and married his wife legally once her divorce to her previous husband was finalized. However, that didn’t stop the fact that Calhoun’s wife looked down on Jackson’s wife Rachel and instructed her friends to do so as well. Jackson’s wife was so overwhelmed with stress that she became ill and later died. Because of all of this Jackson developed a bad taste in his mouth towards Calhoun and blamed him and his wife for Rachel’s demise. Andrew Jackson’s presidency was shaped by two other events. The attempted re-chartering

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