
Essay On The Dehumanization Of African Americans

Decent Essays

African American Glocalization
African American culture has grown positively as a result of negative actions toward the group. Over a relatively long period of history, African Americans have been dehumanized and been victims of forms of genocide. As a result of this oppression, their culture grew and assimilated with urban Americans and caused the acculturation into what can now be categorized in general as “American”. The dehumanization of African Americans began from the early periods of American slavery. Black slaves were considered to be less valuable than white men and even white women, who were considered to be less valuable than white males. Despite this, African slaves still assimilated with 18th century Americans to create a new culture. …show more content…

The group was influenced by white Americans early in history, but recently African Americans have begun influencing white Americans. Since African Americans have a relatively negative past, there are many articles and journals throughout American history written on the effect of African American culture on America and the world, and vice versa. This vast documentation of the group is found everywhere. Cultural changes of African Americans are found in many newspaper articles, history books, memoirs, and journals of academic study. The university library has a vast array of historical references of African Americans, and student journals from universities are available through the internet. The internet allowed me to find many university journals written throughout the late 19th century. The fact that African American culture is very prominent and diverse also gives the opportunity for personal experiences and stories from historians and survivors of oppression throughout history. This oral source of information would give a more personalized version of how experience of culture has affected an individual. This source would be useful because the personal view of someone in a certain culture is essential to understanding that culture and its effects from the inside out. This availability of information about African American culture makes it a topic that allows for a lot of freedom in

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