
Essay On The Cuban Missile Crisis

Decent Essays

13 Days: How did President Kennedy bring the Cuban missile crisis to a peaceful conclusion?
What was the cuban missile crisis? Was it a war or was it a standoff between the United States and Soviet Union? The Cuban Missile Crisis was basically a missile scare. It was an engagement between the United States and the Soviet Union regarding Soviet ballistic missiles that were nuclear armed and deployed in Cuba. The Soviet Union carried the missiles from overseas by ships. This lasted 13 days and consisted of fear, fighting, and most of all, difficult decisions for both the U.S. and the Soviet Union.

It was in October of 1962 that a U.S. spy plane discovered that the Soviet Union had nuclear equipped missiles placed in the country of Cuba. This was a serious threat to the United States because Cuba was just 90 miles from our shores and Cuba was a close ally of the Soviet Union. President Kennedy was shocked and started right away to secretly meet with his advisors to discuss this big problem. Nuclear equipped missiles could easily reach America being that we were so close to Cuba. He didn’t want the soviet union or cuba to know that he discovered the missiles.There were already tensions between the U.S and Soviets due to the ongoing cold war with the Soviet …show more content…

If he did nothing, there was a good chance that the missiles would be fired on the U.S. By surrounding Cuba with military ships, he risked provoking the Soviets. In the end, the decision to send a naval blockade around Cuba seemed to scare the Soviets and Cuba. It prevented nuclear war and calmed hostilities with the Soviet Union. It even opened up a line of communication with the Soviet Union. The presidents of both countries had a direct line to each other in case future conflicts arose. As the president, Kennedy had a lot of pressure to make sure that he was making smart judgements that would keep the U.S. safe and keep peace around the

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