
Essay On Thad Beaumont

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When the main character of this story is very young, he takes a passion in writing opening up a much darker side. During writing Thad Beaumont the main character uses a cover or pen name known as George Stark. Later in the book this alter ego comes to life and brings up the major question is Thad the killer or has his psycho image came to life and came to haunt him. Starting this book it kicks off from the beginning with a weird off the wall, turn of events that is never expected. When the young Thad is struck with excruciatingly painful migraines and doctors seem to be finding no logical reason behind it all. From this point they keep getting worse and worse than Thad has a seizure hurrying to the bus one morning. When rushed to the hospital, they now see just how serious it truly is they go straight into surgery. At the point of opening his head they find something unexplainable something they had never imagined another human. Now they are looking into a partially developed face pieces and parts of eyes, teeth and more in his brain the doctor has only one explanation for it an unborn twin that has been living and developing off of him. While Thad has been trying to grow and excel in his writing this half developed human has grown off …show more content…

During the writings of the dark George Starks world Thad Beaumont says that he writes with pencil because when in the moment living through Stark he can express emotions better. Later in the movie Thad reveals himself as author to the world and plays a joking theme of George Starks passing with fake burial and all. Moving forward with life Thad goes onto be a successful author on his own without using his pen name Stark but then it all changes. Following the faked death of Stark he seems to actually awaken and come to life when unexplained deaths start coming up all around

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