
Essay On Technology In Australia

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Over time globalisation has allowed us to access many more goods and services, mainly through the deregulation of trade which led to increased competition and lower prices. Technology has become an increasingly more feasible, accessible and cost worthy investment for many companies, this has been facilitated by the decreasing cost of technology as transportation and manufacturing has overall became cheaper. Therefore, incentivising businesses to opt for technology instead of human labour.

Already in Australia businesses invest 216 million dollars yearly into automation, within the next three years this figure is expected to rise to 860 million dollars. Clearly using technology in business has numerous advantages, the most significant of …show more content…

Recently, many more Australians have found themselves jobless as robots and heartless machines replaced them, and it is predicted that this trend is set to continue. Research has shown that in a mere eight years, 40 percent of Australian jobs could be lost to machines, which equates to roughly 5 million jobs, it’s even been dubbed" a new kind of industrialisation". the effects of automation on the labour force are obviously large scale. Remote companies are most at risk in Australia as they have a high likelihood of experiencing a 60% job loss. Predictions state that in the next 10 to 15 years, 70% of companies are expected to go digital. This is already evident in some sectors such as banking, with the use of internet banking and ATM’s as well as in supermarkets using self-serve checkouts, and at airports with the vast majority of airlines switching to self-service check in kiosks. The high rates of productivity that machines have make them so much cheaper. One example of this is the fact that a bricklaying robot can lay 1000 bricks an hour, in comparison the average bricklayer can only achieve half of this amount in the same time

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