
Essay On Survey Analysis

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Survey Analysis
The results of the survey were put analyzed and the results shown in graphs and charts displayed above. These graphs and charts were picked specifically because they stood out as significant results which may support my hypothesis. The students surveyed were mostly females with 60% of the respondents identifying as female (Chart 1). This statistic stood out because it is similar to the percentage of females in the university in 2017 which according to the WCU Office of Institutional Research is 60.3%. The percentage of male respondents in the survey however was 35% which is way below what the research office reported, at 39.7%. I must include that there were 5% of respondents who declined to answer the question about their …show more content…

This was further evident in the answers to the questions about respondents’ feelings on Native Americans. In Graph 1, we see that between 50-75% of respondents answered no when asked if they feel strongly about Native American culture, history or current conditions. This statistic could explain for why a majority of respondents hold unfavorable opinions on Native Americans. The majors of respondents were considered in an effort to locate any link between the majors people take and the information they hold. The majors differed across the board but as shown in Chart 3, 45% of respondents were from the college of Medicine. The next disciplines reported were Liberal Arts and Business at 30% and 25% respectively. This showed the prevalence of many different majors which did not prove to be significant influence on opinions. The open ended questions yielded some interesting results. Most of the participants reported the media or media sources as mediums through which they receive their information. Only two participants wrote down a school or the education system as the medium for their knowledge.
There were not many problems obtaining data for this survey. The only major problem encountered, was that people did not want to partake in the survey. This was due to a couple factors like the location of the student when the survey was offered, the length

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