
Essay On Student Athletes Drug Testing

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Focus on the game, not the cocaine. Have student athletes drug test so they are more focused on the game, and not the cocaine. Student athletes are a big part of a school, high school or college they are really involved with the school. Although they are involved with the school, majority of the students do some type of drug without rarely being caught. So, that means schools need to start doing drug testing on student athletes. Student athletes should always be required to take a drug test because it can affect their education, sports, and behavior. Student athletes should always be required to take a drug test because it can affect their sports. Student athletes could be ruining their chances at getting a scholarship for sports. If any …show more content…

Drug test on student athletes use to be very common in many schools but now there is not any drug test for the students which is very pathetic because there are so many other great athletes that could take their spot and actually get a scholarship for college. Besides ruining their own future, student athletes should be required to take a drug test because they could be ruining someone else’s future. Ruining someone else’s future because of their bad habits is really just a horrible thing to do. If a student athlete is not required to take a drug test but they are on drugs anyway then that student could be ruining someone else’s future, and what that means is that there could be another student who is a great athlete with good grades, and attendance but can not get a scholarship because the student on drugs did, then that student will feel so horrible about themselves and always questioning themselves on why they just could not receive a scholarship, and it is all because of the student on drugs. If student athletes need their pain medication they should go down to the main office they have, many of the student use the pain medication as drugs rather than doing actual drugs. In the article on the website the author states, “Fewer athletes

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