
Essay On Social Construction Of Difference

Decent Essays

Society is constructed over different opinions and translations that individuals have over each other. The academic reading, “The Social Construction of Difference”, points out two different views that a group of people may have over another. In the academic reading the author, Allan G. Johnson, defines two different kinds of approaches that are known as privilege and oppression. Privilege is commonly defined as a group of certain people having more value from those who are not consider like one of them. Oppression is defined as privilege groups of people feeling superior in which leads to taking control over those who don’t share common identities with them. Based on the academic reading, “The Social Construction of difference”, the reality of social construction is based upon privilege and oppression. …show more content…

Those people who are being oppressed are those people who are part of an oppressed group of people. People in a privilege group don’t feel good about knowing this because there are times that they will feel oppressive. Oppression can make privilege people feel different about doing something the correct way. There are other factors that privilege people might experience oppression. Some of this factors not always because of the reasons that where pointed out in which are known as privileges. For the overall, oppression is commonly seen as a behavior that an oppressive group of people has over a different group of people that is not “privilege” The academic reading, “The Social Construction of Difference”, by Allan G. Johnson provided detail examples of how the construction of society is constructed based on privilege and oppression. Johnson explains how privilege is a matter of being a certain group that is highly value than the other group of people. Oppression is what is lead to since it’s when a privilege group is feeling superior and wanting to take control over certain

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