
Essay On School Cafeterias

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According to Merriam-Webster dictionary, “a cafeteria is a place where people get food at a counter and carry it to a table for eating,” the first know cafeteria dated back to 1891 in Kansas City, Mo. (Encyclopedia Britannia, 2011). Cafeterias or some sort of can be found at almost every school in Trinidad and Tobago, initially vendors who came outside the school’s compound to sell their ‘goodies’ such as; “doubles,” pies and preservatives to students were seen as the first form of cafeteria, now schools have moved to have a cafeteria present within the school compound to provide these services to students. This is seen as a much safer alternative to the vendors as the cafeteria personnel is overseen by the principal of the school who ensures that the goods being sold are prepared under sanitary conditions and doesn’t serve any risk to students. They [cafeterias] serve an important role within the school, as they …show more content…

Children grow accustom to the things they eat and this determines their eating patterns and habits. As stated in the previous paragraph because most parents leave it up to the cafeteria at schools to provide meals to their children, what they eat at school would now have a great influence on their food choices throughout life. This is one of the main reasons for regulating food and drinks sold in cafeterias, because children spend the majority of their lives in schools and the school is seen as one of the main agents of socialization as children interact with their peers and most times are influenced by their peers, getting some of the more influential students in schools to buy into eating healthy rather than sweets or snacks may help alter the eating habits of other students who look up to them. Research shows

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