
Essay On Savior Sabling

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First and foremost, in considering having a savior sibling the quality of life after future medical procedures that are endured should be taken into contemplated. Also, to consider is the religious affiliation and moral standing consequences of deciding on having a genetically engineered donor aka “savior sibling”. Furthermore, to contemplate the psychological impact of savior sibling knowing their intended purpose of their birth as to save the life of a sibling. Significantly as important are the wishes of the ailing sibling and their thoughts of a savior sibling. Another avenue to explore is the effects it will take on the immediate family members that take a part in the daily care and support for both children. The psychological impact for each party involved may vary, but can be considerably damaging if not in agreement with the decisions that have been made for either child.
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However, there should be legal guidelines for the rights of the donor as a minor. For minor donor that can show sufficient intelligence in understanding the consequences of foregoing any medical treatment or procedures for the benefit of ailing sibling should be considered for emancipation as a mature minor. This decision should only be made by the court or appointed agency. The savior siblings should as well have an established agency that can represent the child in legal proceedings. The ideal candidates for this agency would be compassionate individuals that are knowledgeable in the methods of procreation in the child, medical procedures that are encountered, aftercare of the donor, and any psychological impact that the donor may experience. What they experience as donors can adversely affect their lives as they grow older. Legal guidelines that are implemented would help protect their rights in having a say to medical procedures

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