
Essay On Race Relations

Decent Essays

Race in the United States has always been a problem in the past and still remains the same in the present society. Race relations is defined by relations between members or communities of different races within one country ( Minorities have been denied legally and socially rights in the past by the dominant race, White Americans. Now in modern society minorities are the majority of the United States, but are still being racial targeted, profiled and killed by White Americans. In functionalism theory, race serves an order to conform to society. Since the beginning of time discrimination from the dominated race towards has affected minorities. Dominate group believes that minorities must be assimilated into their society. A great example would be slavery, the whites dominated and controlled and owned slaves, to improve the daily lives of whites for profit, and other …show more content…

An example of conflict theory in today’s time would be that African Americans are being targeted by police, as a result, it causes protests, and brings up more violence towards the police authority. This caused blacks to still struggle for equal rights as same of whites, which is irregular to do so. Racial tensions do not only linger between African Americans and Whites but also many other races. Police brutality in America has doubled, African Americans and Latinos are more likely to get pulled over by a police officer than any other race while being racially attacked when doing so. Another conflict would be how stereotypes are giving to racial minorities, such as the 9/11 terrorist attack, which took a toll society to believe every Muslim is a terrorist. Even the race relations has taken an effect on the workplace, media, and education as well, that creates these problems that minorities have to overcome differently than the

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