
Essay On Plantation Mistresses

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A cannot be correct, because the plantation mistress’ life was quite the opposite of idle leisure. A plantation mistress is in charge of supervising the domestic household. Her duties include: managing the supply and preparation of food for the household, taking care of the linens, other housecleaning, administering care to the sick, along with raising her children, and other such chores. One plantation mistress, Mary Boykin Chesnut, observed that “there is not slave like a wife.” Only the wealthiest planter’s wives had significant leisure time. The majority of plantation mistresses were far from idle.
B is incorrect, because plantation mistresses being subordinate to their husbands were the prevailing social order. Some of them may have gossiped and shared their complaints amongst other mistresses about their problems with the patriarch system and the mulatto children that appear with their husbands’ features as a result, but they seldom publically challenged this social dynamic. The thought of any boisterous opposition to the social order or racial climate would likely be dismissed by a …show more content…

The men in plantation society, however, were socially allowed to follow a code of self-indulgence, especially when it came to their lust. While the plantation mistresses faithfully raised their husbands’ children, they would also have to put up with their husbands taking pleasure in raping and impregnating the slave women. Many slave-holding families attended church and the mistresses often subtly hoped the sermons would council their husbands into being faithful. The sermons, however, often supported the double standard so deeply entrenched in the Old South. Slave women were seen as property and if the planter wanted to impregnate her that was his perfectly moral prerogative. Plantation mistresses lived with that double

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