The world of physics had been developed a well-established model of the atom. The standard model had been pretty well “tied up”, with its group of 16 elementary particles and their nice set of rules describing how they should interact. Physicists had observed until the Higgs discovery, 16 of these particles. The crowd was already beginning to desperate for a 17th particle that would send the model in new and wild directions (supposedly). But the Higgs particle ruined the hopes and expectations of everybody: it turned out to be very ordinary: its behavior was just like the model said it would act, obeying every theorized rule [2]. Therefore, the Standard Model is vindicated. And this was a
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The weak force, on the other hand, is associated with particles called W and Z bosons, very massive comparing to the other particles.
The Higgs mechanism is thought to be responsible for this, now that the existence of the particle is a fact: if we recognize the existence of the Higgs field, the W and Z bosons mix with this field, acquiring mass, explaining the reason of why the W and Z bosons have mass. This unifies as well the electromagnetic and weak forces into the electroweak force. [4]
An interesting side effect, much less important than the discoveries, indeed, but with enough importance for itself, is the validation of the large amounts of effort and money invested in the equipment like the LHC. This flattens the road for the investment in the next generation of scientific machinery to keep researching. After analyzing the facts, this money is going to be very needed in the near future. It has been theorized that dark energy is the bulk of the energy of the universe, and the dark matter and energy existence is neither explained by the Standard Model. This model can´t explain gravity or the neutrino mass. Nowadays, scientific community knows that the Standard Model is an approximation of another theory, more comprehensive and able to explain the Higgs mass with a most natural approach. The reason is that the measured mass of the Higgs is about 100 million billion times smaller than the value suggested by
explain the universe in terms of nine key questions. In pursuit of answers to these questions,
“The lights that filled the universe could be channeled, dissected, magnified, and measured by human ingenuity” (enlight, 2). There was a significant breakthrough in regards to what could be done in continuing to explore new theories.
The cancellation not only ended the potential to attract better education and increased scientific jobs to my home city, it further ruined the potential discoveries about particle physics and the universe as a whole. The questions of how does the Universe work and what are its origins
At the end we will have few definitive answers, but many notable implications for the way that we perceive our world on many different levels.
For centuries scientists have been studying everything from evolution to space. During that time, there have also been projects upon projects that were taken on by new, emerging scientists who will continue the work of the teams who came before them. Each new team brings a new discovery. Something that was previously just a question, such as “what makes us water different than dirt?”, has now been answered due to dozens of different teams all working towards the same goal. Thanks to those scientists, we now know what makes water special. It’s not a physical property, such as colorless, but it’s the fact that it’s made up of hydrogen and oxygen atoms (F. Jabr 4). Taking this concept of discovery, we can apply it to something more complex such as the definition of life.
Dark Matter In the article “Tweak Gravity: What If There Is No Dark Matter?” John Matson discusses the views of scientists about the existence of the dark matter. Matson shows that dark matter should be responsible of the missing mass. Since the modified theory of gravity creates more questions than solving them, this theory does not provide enough elements to support the absence of the dark matter.
The particles include photinos, neutrinos, gravitinos, axions, and magnetic monopoles, among many others. Of these, researchers have detected only neutrinos -- and whether neutrinos have any mass remains unknown. Experiments are under way to detect other exotic particles. If they exist, and if one has a mass in the correct range, then that particle might pervade the universe and constitute dark matter.
One such important change is the shift away from positivism into what we term as post-positivism. Post-positivism is not just a minor alteration to or amendment of the positivist position but is rather a general refusal of the central view of positivism. Post-positivist might start by being acquainted with the method scientists think and work and the way we think in our everyday life are not noticeably dissimilar. Scientific motive and common sense reasoning are fundamentally the same process. There is hardly any disparity in type amongst the two, only a mere dissimilarity in degree. Scientists, for instance, pursue precise actions to guarantee that observations are provable, correct and reliable. On daily basis reasoning, we don't usually proceed so cautiously even though when thinking about it we realize that we become much more cautious in our everyday life about measurement. It can be seen from the angle where most accountable parents keep permanent watch over their infants, noticing particulars that non-parents would never
1. Electric charges attract or repel one another with a force inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them: unlike charges attract, like ones repel.
Mesons, made of quark pairs, are usually found in cosmic rays. Quarks combine to form charges of -1, 0, or +1. Quarks in Baryons and Mesons are bound together by strong forces formed from the exchange of gluons. Much like how the electromagnetic force strength is determined by the amount of electric charge, the strong force strength is determined by a new quantity called color charge. (
Little is known about the mysterious force called dark matter and dark energy. The information that is known about dark energy, is that it is causing a more accelerated expansion of the universe. This is why dark energy is so fascinating, because it makes up seventy five percent of the universe, yet we don't even know that much about it.
An Atom is the the basic building block of all matter. Atoms are made up of Particles, called: Protons, neutrons and Electrons. Protons carry a positive charge, the neutron carry 's a neutral charge and the electron carry’s a negative charge. The Atom has two main parts the Nucleus and the Electron Shell. The Nucleus contains the Protons and Neutrons. The electron Shell Contains the The electrons.
Dark Energy is a mysterious force that drives the expansion of the universe. Astronomers states that the universe is expanding and the expansion is accelerating, so the unknown anti-gravity force at work is termed dark energy. Dark energy has important consequences for
Electromagnetism is the next strongest; it is 100 times weaker than the strong nuclear force. It is responsible for all light and all energy in the universe. It also produces magnetic attraction, such as the north and south poles of a planet. You could also say that it is responsible for the reactions between charged particles.
In order to attempt to trace the origins of the modern science that we now refer to