
Essay On Pearl High School Shooting

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On October 1, 1997, in Pearl, Mississippi, a shooting took place at pearl high school, a 16 year old boy named Luke Woodham went on a shooting rampage. Early that morning he brutally killed his mother then took her car and drove to school. He was wearing a long trench coat to hide the rifle and when he got to the school, he killed two girls, one of them being his ex-girlfriend, and injured seven other people. The reason why he did not get away was because of Joel Myrick, an assistant principal for the school, who ran to his truck, got his Colt .45, and held the boy at gunpoint until the police arrived (Pearl). Later it was revealed that Joel had a concealed carry permit and used to keep his pistol on his person while in school, but after a law passed in 1995, he had to keep his gun in his truck. If this shooting had happened before ‘95 or the law had not been passed, he have stopped the shooting sooner, saved the lives of those girls, or even …show more content…

The philosopher Aristotle wrote that free nations rely on armed people, while tyrants do not and take away guns. Thus leading to the point that law-abiding gun owners equals scared criminals. Some countries, like England and Australia, have gun laws that are so strict it becomes basically illegal to own a gun. In these countries the rate of “hot” break-ins is higher than in the United States. A hot break-in is when the robber breaks in while someone is home. A cold break-in is when the place being robbed is empty. Robbers in places like England, Australia, and even Canada are more likely to break in while someone is home because these people do not have guns in their homes to defend themselves with. This statistic is lower in the United States because homeowners have guns and are more likely to stop

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