
Essay On Oil Spills

Decent Essays

7 years ago, one of the largest oil spills in history occurred at the Deepwater Horizon oil rig. To this day, the damage is still being cleaned up, and will never be the same as it was before. The wellhead at the ocean floor is emptying oil contents at an incredibly high rate, causing the sea to be flooded with the harmful, unnatural substance. It is not until recently that scientists have found a way to help minimize the drastic consequences, yet they still didn’t even have time to experiment their supposedly helpful chemical. Their plan is to dump another unnatural chemical into the water to help disperse the oil. With the oil droplets becoming comparably smaller, the slippery substance is less apparent in the water and seems to have a …show more content…

With this much of a substance being pumped into an ecosystem that doesn’t compensate for its presence, marine life has a definite chance of being drastically depleted even more. Unfortunately, it also contaminates the air and the food chain it travels up until it can even reach us. The oil has already contaminated the shores of many US beaches, and it’d only be a matter of time until our oceans would be too polluted to swim in. What would this say about the aquatic organisms or the animals we consume from the ocean? Not to mention all the people who would be affected by this. No one wants to swim in dirty water and we do not want the next generation to have to either. It is our responsibility to keep the Earth clean. The other side to dumping the chemical to disperse the oil spill, is that there was not enough research conducted to do so.It could be argued that the decision to dump more of an unknown chemical into the water was rash, and could’ve had dangerous consequences. There is still no clear answer if the chemical is harmful to the biotic life, or any of the ecosystem at all. It may only cause more issues that we have to deal with later on. While one problem is solved, another is created. This is what’s wrong with human society. We are ruining our planet, but the only way we know how to fix anything is not flawless in its own

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