
Essay On Obesity As A Disease May Do More Harm Than Good

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Two Similar Viewpoints on Obesity In article one Maia Szalavitz, wrote an article titled, “Viewpoint: Defining Obesity as a Disease May do More Harm Than Good.” She is a neuroscience journalist from Time Magazine, who talked about the harmful effect classifying obesity will have on one’s life, as well as others around them. In article two Dr. Keith Ablow’s article is called, “Obesity is not a Disease- and Neither is Alcoholism.” He is a psychiatrist and a member of the Fox Medical A-Team who talked about the solution to obesity, may be as simple as raising someone’s self-esteem. Both these articles talk why one should not classify obesity as a disease, but only one talks about the solution to solve the problem of obesity. Even though Szalavitz and Ablow are similarly matched rhetorically by taking a world-wide problem and discussing the issue of classifying it as a disease; Ablow is more rhetorically effective, because he uses more examples and evidence from different sources to back up his reasoning. …show more content…

Szalavitz says in her article, “As admirable and well intentioned certain goals are, however, there is little precedent that disease labeling will make them achievable.” She explains to readers that putting a label on words may make them seem worse and harder to fix. The example of labeling obesity as a disease is compared to the labeling of alcoholism being a disease. She takes this example and tells us that labeling alcoholism will make people think they will only have a relapse. Szalavitz says, “The disease label should be used sparingly.” Putting a label on something is what brings awareness to the situation that one may be facing, but many make it into something it is

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