
Essay On Newark

Decent Essays

Newark has only in recent years stemmed the population outflow. The city has begun in recent decades to attract a high immigrant population, a reflection of its status as a major center in the New York Metropolitan area, one of America's major gateway cities for new immigrants. The percentage of foreign-born residents in Newark is 26.5%, above the national average of 12.5%, and 44.5% of residents speak a language other than English in the home (U.S. Census Bureau, 2008). The influx of new immigrants can contribute to economic growth. Many such immigrants, especially when there are limited outside employment prospects, turn to entrepreneurial activity.
The type of urban renewal that Newark is pursuing supports an increase in middle-class professional …show more content…

This strategy has focused on infrastructure investments (everything from sewers to arenas) and tax cuts to attract investment and the development of new industries. The result is that Newark is showing signs of economic renewal, in particular in its ability to attract middle class professionals back to the city. Over time, this trend will create a more dynamic Newark with a diverse economic base and a vibrant demographic. However, the impacts of these changes on the existing residents, most of whom are poor minorities, are largely going to be negative. They have neither the education nor training to take advantage of the new jobs and industries, and may find themselves priced out of their own neighborhoods. Newark appears headed for economic renewal, but social renewal may be stifled by rising tensions between the existing citizens and the new citizens that Newark intends to attract. These citizens, already facing lower social spending as the city shifts its funding priorities to infrastructure projects, may be compartmentalized into smaller pockets of the city or forced outside of Newark altogether, resulting in civic disharmony that the city will need to manage in order to continue to experience economic

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