
Navajo Art Essay

Decent Essays

Navajo Art The Navajos were an Indian group that lived in the four corners region of the Untied States. The Navajos were considered very good artists. Their art projects all held symbolism within them. Whether it was religious, ceremonial, or just simply to help distinguish things, the Navajo art had symbolic meanings left and right.  Color was an important aspect to the Navajos art. For example, the color blue had a few different meanings. It would represent the South and the Mid-day sun. Because in the south, the sky was almost always clear and blue. The colors Black, White, and Yellow were also used to represent the remaining three directions. With Black representing the North, White representing the East, and Yellow representing the West. A common Navajo art project was sand paintings. Sand paintings were patterns and pictures created using colored sand. Some things …show more content…

They were usually centered around things such as horses, cattle, antelope, and deer. They would use charcoal to make these drawings. However, unlike sand paintings, they were not usually a ritualistic exercise. They were often drawn by sheep herders or children. People that had a lot of free time on their hands and were often bored.  Navajo rock art depicting their god the Ye’I Another common artistic practice of the Navajo is their weaving. It was a practice done mainly by women. These weavings would often reflect the lives of these women. The symbolism in these blankets was often the same as it was in the sand paintings or the rock art.   A couple examples of Navajo blankets One more thing the Navajo would create was jewelry. Mostly Turquoise jewelry. To the people of the Navajo tribe, the color turquoise was symbolic. It represented happiness, luck, and health. The jewelry made by the Navajos was for ceremonial purposes until the tourists started taking notice of their jewelry.  Navajo turquoise

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