
Essay On Multi-Linear Regression

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A sample size equaling 50 + 8m is required to do a multi-linear regression, where m is the number of independent variables chosen. At least 3 independent variables can be analyzed (assuming a moderate effect size) taking males and females separately if an equal number of males and females are chosen (Green, 1991). Thus the sample size is adequate for a multi-linear regression analysis.
Therefore a sample size of 154 stable mentally ill patients is thus both practical and also would be among the highest sample sizes used yet for such a requirement as this study.
3.2.3 Sample selection procedure (Inclusion and exclusion criteria)
Sampling followed a simple random sampling using currency method. Every OP day, every nth (consecutive numbers in …show more content…

For patients with disorders, other than psychotic and affective disorders, questions regarding hospitalizations, increase in medication and exacerbation of symptoms in the last 3 months were enquired into. Patients with no such history were also recruited.
In all two hundred thirty five patients were selected. A hundred and seventy patients consented to participate in the study. 10 patients were rejected after screening and six patients withdrew consent midway through the interview.
Fifteen of the original two hundred and thirty five patients were suffering from extreme symptoms like severe disorientation or exhibited hostile behavior or severe disorganized thought process (understood from speech content) or were showed severe motor retardation. Such patients were rejected without screening. This is because such patients could not be even approached for consent. Otherwise, all efforts to invite all patients, selected randomly visiting the outpatient clinic within the time period of the study were undertaken. Inclusion criteria All patients who once suffered from acute psychotic or affective symptoms and were currently stable with a score of less than 45 on the BPRS scale were recruited (Leucht et al., 2005). For patients with disorders, other than psychotic and affective disorders, questions regarding hospitalizations increase in medication and exacerbation of

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