
Essay On Miss Emily In William Faulkner's A Rose For Emily

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She loved the man so much that killed him and kept his dead, decomposing body. Miss Emily loved a man so much that she killed him and kept him. In William Faulkner’s narrative “A Rose For Emily,” the main character Miss Emily spent part of her life hoarding away the dead body of Homer Barron and Faulkner leaves out the details of her experience with the decomposing body but science shows that she would have experienced the stages of bloat, active decay, and advanced decay. In the first stages of decomposition, Homer’s body would begin to rot from the inside out and his abdomen would give off a bloated appearance, giving the stage its name of “bloat.” It would look something like the gut of an old alcoholic hillbilly. Blood would pour to his lower extremities and give him a pale, ghostly appearance like the dead in caskets at funerals. Soon, fluids and gases inside of his body would leak out through any openings, like this nose, mouth, and ears. Miss Emily had previously experienced the beginning of decomposition with her father as the story states, “She told them that her father was not dead. She did that for three days…“ Though, she kept Homer for much longer than three …show more content…

There would be an increase in carbon and nitrogen in the atmosphere around the body. Miss Emily could have easily died from gas poisoning. All of the body’s tissues would be frothy and imbedded into the clothing Homer died in and all over the mattress he died on. At this point, Homer was now part of the mattress. The smell would have been very, very strong. The story says they sprinkled lime around her home to get rid of the smell the house was giving off. Lime would not have been enough to get rid of the smell after nearly forty years but Faulkner does not state if the smell entirely went away or it went away just enough for the town to live with it. In reality, Miss Emily probably would not have been able to handle it since she lived

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