
Essay On Mark Rose's Blue Collar Brilliance

Decent Essays

` Education is essential in order for you to gain intelligence often people say. But is it really? Some people are just not made for academics. However, in some cases, people just simply didn’t have the opportunity for education. Does that make them not intelligent? Well according to society to be considered intelligent you must have received some sort of high education. To be deemed intelligent you don’t have to be highly educated because intelligence is not determined by your level of success, school is not the only way to gain knowledge and skills, and your income doesn’t portray your level of knowledge. First and foremost, intelligence is not determined by your level of success. It is often seen that when someone sees a teacher or …show more content…

Society often believes that Education is everything. Well in some cases it’s not, many individuals aren’t school savvy. According to Mark Rose in his essay “Blue Collar Brilliance,” he says that “We reinforce this notion by defining intelligence solely on grades in school and numbers on IQ tests.” (1038) What Rose means here is that we shouldn’t define intelligence through school, but in other areas as well such as non-academic skills. Adding on to this some people naturally just don’t do well on tests but are so smart in class. One reason causing their lack of testing skills could be anxiety because when some people get nervous they can’t think straight. The education doesn’t take into consideration that people can know the material so well but yet fail the test due to that lack of testing skills. For example, a student can spend a whole week studying the material and know it like the back of their hand but when the tests come they start to feel anxious. Then due to this anxiousness, they forget everything they studied. As said before, tests and grades aren’t accurate. This means that education doesn’t entirely determine how smart you

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