
Essay On Marijuana Should Be Decriminalized

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Marijuana should be decriminalized, at least, and at most it should be made legal for recreational use. The United States wastes far to much money every year arresting people on drug charges. Marijuana is also a harmless drug, and should be made legal for various reasons.
Marijuana is the product of Cannabis sativa, a hemp plant, and it refers specifically to the plants leaves and flowers. Used for centuries as a painkiller, it is popular both medically and for recreation as it produces a great feeling of well being. It is illegal in most countries. Movements have formed all over the United States to legalize marijuana, but critics say it will do more harm then good. Despite these criticisms, several US states have legalized the possession of marijuana for both medical and recreational purposes in the fist decades of the 21st century. (Marijuana use and Alcohol Use are Dangerous for Society)
Some argue that the government should treat marijuana as it does alcohol or tobacco- legal, but taxed and regulated. Four …show more content…

It encourages use among young people and will lead to the same abuses and immoral marketing techniques seen in alcohol and tobacco industries. But in Colorado there are strict rules about who can buy the drugs and who can’t. For example, you have to be 21 and a resident of colorado to get marijuana, and you are not aloud more then one ounce of marijuana per day. Out of state residents are not aloud more then one quarter of an ounce of marijuana per day. There are restrictions for safe use of the drug, and it is takes everybody's safety into consideration.
Marijuana is a plant based drug which poses no serious harm to society, and thats why it should be legal. Doing this will boost the economy, make people healthier because they are not consuming as much alcohol, and help people who are in pain. Overall marijuana should be legal in the United States for recreational

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