
Essay On Macbeth Is Evil

Decent Essays

Macbeth is a tragedy by English playwright William Shakespeare. The play’s protagonist, Macbeth murders his king and becomes a king of Scotland. He shows good qualities such as bravery, honesty, and mercy before he assassinates Duncan, the king of Scotland. He kills his political opponents which includes his friends to fulfill his ambition. Eventually, his good qualities fall away as he becomes merciless and ruthless. Macduff, antagonist of the play kills Macbeth. Malcolm, Duncan’s son, the new king of Scotland describes Macbeth as a “dead butcher”. Although Macbeth has some good qualities, he is at heart a cold-hearted murderer because he lets his political ambition steer him down a path of cruelty and isolation.
Although Macbeth commits many bloody crimes, he is sympathetic qualities suggest he isn’t purely evil. After he assassinates Duncan, he feels remorse that he killed his lord and tells his wife that he can’t proceed with the deed:”I’ll go no more./ I am afraid to think what I have done./ Look on ‘t again I dare not” (II.ii.65-67). Macbeth regrets his rebellion against his king and overcomes the desire to continue doing more evil deeds. So Lady Macbeth takes the daggers back to prove that Duncan’s servants have killed …show more content…

Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler, Mao Zedong, and Maximilien Robespierre had killed a lot of people to gain power. If Macbeth had any good qualities such as honesty and mercy, they are gone. Shakespeare wrote Macbeth to demonstrate the chaos that ensues if a good and rightful leader is deposed or killed. Some dictators like Macbeth were usurpers who brought moral turmoil to their own country. For example, in 1032, Macbeth burnt down a house to kill the king of Scotland and fifty other people. When Macbeth is overthrown, Malcolm provides a chance for the establishing of peace, law and order in Scotland, showing that no leader consumed by power can long last when finally he possesses

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